vrijdag 18 februari 2011


Well it's the 19th of Febuary, I know I haven't been blogging like I should, but hey I told you guys this is tough for me :) Anyways, I arrived in Chennai on the 1st of Feb. A bit happy and a bit sad to leave Delhi, I departed with the capital and flew into the sun. Hoping to get more out of my work and meet a few people who could show me arround. And I did... The first night I arrived, I met up with an old high school friend of mine, that I hadn't seen in years. He was in Chennai doing an internship and had almost finished up. He introduced me to a couple of his friends, Indians and non-Indians :) So I guess it just kinda took off from there because they were all very social and invited me to a couple of things that was gonna keep me busy for a while.

Chennai is one of the most conservative states in India, I did not know that before I came here. Women cannot were sleeveless Tshirts or shorts, which is kind of a bummer when it's like 35°C! I get stares here, more than the Delhi stares and people keep on calling me white! Me, white? HAHA... That's the thing over here in India, we want to get a tan while they wanna get whiter! Michael Jackson syndrom I say? I even saw an ad on TV for a soap that washes the tan off your skin, so strange... The reason probably is because when you're dark, it means that you're a worker, like it used to mean by us in the olden days. Anyways...I got my tan :)

From Chennai, Goa, the Indian Oasis they call it, is about a 20 hour drive. I definitly wanted to go to Goa so that didn't make much of a difference to me. We left on thursday night and arrived there on friday night. What a drive! Can you imagine driving for sooooooo long, on I'd say an average of 80km/h? Once you get out of the cities the traffic is alright, but in the cities..OMG!!!!! Rush hour is like...all day long!!!! Thank god I don't have to drive over here :) No rules, no lanes, no pedestrian crossing so you can like hit someone anytime everytime, everybody is trying to get ahead so nobody does, and sooooo many cars! EVERYWHERE!!!!!
Sorry, I dwelled off, lets talk Goa :) Goa is like the Western part of India. There are allot of tourists, allot of pubs and restaurants where you can eat continental food and have a drink without anybody giving you a "look". Allot of small shops, all selling the same cheap crap that nobody really wants to buy, allot of "salesmen" trying to con you into going dolpin spotting, or paragliding :) We did! And saw a dolphin or 2, or I guess that's what I think I saw. And paragliding is much fun, but the ONE minute trip was hardly worth putting all that gear on. It's a pitty, cause they could really make something out of this country, if they would stop thinking about the short term cash making, and think about the long term money making tourist industry. So seriously, if ya wanna go dolphin spotting or paragliding don't get convinced by the guys standing along the beach side, hire a boat and bargain. When they say free, I say HOW MUCH?

I'll be in Chennai for another 10 days or so, then I'm off to Bangalore...the city of gold, no actually the silicone valley :) It's kind of a pitty cause I'm just getting to know a couple of really cool people, but hey life goes on and so do I. Keep ya posted!

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